Hello, I'm Mira

Back-end focused web developer with full-stack experience,

who is passionate about learning and adhering to the best web development practices, understands the importance of testing and really cares about keeping the code maintainable and clean. Excellent team player, who knows how to follow, but will not hesitate to be a leader if needed.

Things I Can Do

Languages and frameworks:

  • BACK-END : C# , ASP.NET Core , Entity Framework , Node.js , Express
  • FRONT-END : Javascript , React , HTML 5, CSS
  • DATABASE : SQL Server , MongoDb

A Few Accomplishments

Personal projects:


  • Project management application developed for agile teams to organize their work by using the Scrum methodology.
  • Functionality: The user can create project, team to work on it, invite other users to the team, plan sprints in the backlog of the project and every team member has access to the project board.
  • Front-end: React, Javascript
  • Back-end: ASP .NET Core Web API, Entity Framework Core, SQL Server, Redis, SignalR.


  • Educational network with built-in quiz system.
  • Functionality: The application allows teachers to connect with their students, create quizzes, plan exams and keep track of the progress of the students. Meanwhile every student can access the quizzes from their own accounts and take part in the exams.
  • Technologies - C#, ASP .NET Core, Entity Framework Core, SQL Server, SignalR, SendGrid and Hangfire for background jobs processing.

Contact Me